电话: 484-365-7440传真: 484-365-8067
电子邮件: advancement@agemboutique.com
机构进步部负责筹款, 市场营销, 全球十大外围足球平台的对外关系部门. It supports the university's goals and objectives in several ways: provides quality 市场营销 materials that enhance the institution's brand image; responds in a timely manner to requests for information 从 the media and the general public; maintains a vibrant and robust website; forges partnerships with corporate and civic organizations; solicits, records and stewards gifts and grants; maintains relationships with the university's alumni and friends.
院校进修处负责监督以下范畴:负责机构发展的临时副总裁 & 全球十大外围足球平台基金会的执行董事,体育主任 & 休闲服务
进步: 484-365-5126
体育运动: 484-365-7349